Periods Follow
The Period Menu displays information on your current available periods, as well as linking to your recent Period history in the Period Log. This page can display a maximum of 25 periods at once.
In the Period menu:
- A table displaying the following information will be shown:
- Period ID – a number designation for that period, often beginning at 1 from the first period you began using the system.
- Start date – the date of the first day of that period.
- End date – the date of the last day of that period.
- Status – whether the period is Closed or Open. An open period can have information added to it, stocks, sales, etc. A closed period cannot.
- Actions – will display either Close Period or Open Period | Approve and these are clickable.
- Open periods can be closed by clicking Close Period.
- Closed periods can be re-opened by clicking Open Period. Once the period is open again, you will be able to add information to it.
- Closed periods can also be approved by clicking on Approve. This will render them closed and inaccessible permanently, meaning you will never be able to re-open them to add new information. Always check that the data in a period is final before approving.
- In rare cases the STO Team may be able to unapprove a period for you, please speak to the team to learn more about this.
In the Period Log:
- A table displaying the following information will be shown:
- Period ID – a number designation for that period, often beginning at 1 from the first period you began using the system.
- Start date – the date of the first day of that period.
- End date – the date of the last day of that period.
- Last Closed by - the username of the person who last closed that period, as well as the date and time at which they closed it.
- Approved by - the username of the person who approved that period, as well as the date and time at which they approved it. If the period is closed but has not yet been approved, the system will display the phrase Pending Approval.
When closing a period you will see a period summary menu including the following details:
Sales Status
A timeline of recent days within your periods colored green or red. Days highlighted in green are days when sales have been imported. Days highlighted in red do not have sales imported. If you are missing sales data on days when it should be present, you may need to import your sales for that period again.
A warning will be displayed reminding you of any days that have no data.
Pending Delivery
This table shows a brief outline of any deliveries pending within that period. This does not necessarily mean that those deliveries need to be accepted within that period, as they may be arriving late.
Stock Count
A simple count of items counted in stock within each category.
All pending records can be completed before closing a period to get proper reports though you can open and close periods multiple times.
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