Creating & Linking Batches/Recipes from Recipe Template


To correctly create a recipe or batch from a template, all products and packages in the template must be present and compatible at the location in which you are trying to create your recipe/batch.

  • After clicking "Create" against the recipe/batch from "Recipe template" under "Recipes", compatibility is displayed using a green thumbs up or a red thumbs down symbol:


If there are only green thumbs up for all the products, the recipe can be created by clicking on the "Create Recipe from template" button.



  • Depending on the nature of the problem, you may need to adjust the template or add items at your location.



  • If the product is not available at your location, you can simply add it. However, it is a more likely situation that the product is already on the system, but has not been made available in your location. To remedy this you can use Product (or Package) Location Mapping to add the item in your location. If you don't have access to this feature, you may need to speak to the STO Support Team or your Admin User.



  • If the product is available but the package isn't, you can add a package by editing the product, or use Package Location Mapping. However, you can skip these steps by clicking on the red thumbs down to jump straight to the product in question on the Package Location Mapping menu:


  • Once you have ticked the item so that it becomes available at your location, make sure to use the Back button in the top right of this menu, to take you straight back to the recipe template screen.



  • If the units are incompatible, you have the choice of updating the template, or changing the product. To update the template, you can simply click on Update Template to make the necessary changes.


  • To change the product itself, you can simply click on the product name and then navigate to the Edit Product menu.

The important thing to remember when creating or editing a recipe template is that the ingredients that make up your template must be compatible with ingredients present within the system before you will be able to create your recipes or batches.


To link a created batch/recipe to the recipe template, tick the checkbox against "Link Recipe" & it will update the recipe automatically as and when the template the modified.


Please speak to the STO Support Team for more information.



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