Stocktaking on the iOS App Follow
Stocktaking on the App is very simple. There are two pages to choose from on the stocktaking tab.
- Stores - this page will be used to build your stock count sheets, enter your stock and sync it to the database.
- Review - this page will give you the option to review any entered stock counts.
To build a stock count sheet and begin entering stocks you must ensure you are on the Stores page.
- Tap the red + sign in the top right corner.
- This will bring up the period and store selection page.
- Stock counts can only be entered in an open period. Depending on how many periods are open and whether you have Stock Stores set up, the page may display quite differently:
- You can back out of this menu by selecting Cancel in the bottom right.
- To begin your stocktake, select a Period from the top menu and a Store from the bottom menu. If no Stock Stores are set up you will need to select No Store.
- Once you have selected a period and a store location, tap on Confirm in the bottom left of the screen.
- This will add a stock entry page ready to use.
- Depending on the amount of stock stores you have, you can set up multiple pages ready for stock entry.
This is especially important if you would like to enter your stocktake while offline, as you will need to set up the various stock entry pages while connected to the Internet. Once they are ready, you can enter stock online or off, and when an Internet connection is present, sync the data to your STO system, explained further below.
- Select a stock sheet (combined period and store / No Store) to enter your stock.
- The stock entry screen will display the list of items within your chosen stock store (No Store will display all items) by Category and Group.
- Item information includes:
- Section / Category / Group
- Product Name
- Pack-size
- The grey circle to the left of the product information indicates stock has yet to be entered.
- At any time you can return to the stock sheet page by selecting the < icon on the top left of the page.
- From here you can scroll down through your list of items, entering the stock counts.
- Use the + and - symbols to add or subtract stock amounts.
- You can also swipe left and right on the products to add or subtract from their stock counts.
- Once you have begun adding stock quantities, the red circle to the left of the product information indicates entered stock values which have not been synced. This means that the information has not yet been uploaded to Stocktake Online and exists only on the APP.
- This information will remain saved on the APP as long as your login token persists.
- Tap the centre of the stock amount field to bring up a further menu where you can enter your count directly and use decimals where necessary.
- You can also use maths functions on this screen.
- Once your stock has been entered you can sync the stock to the system by tapping on the red cloud icon in the top right corner of the page.
- A successful Sync will see the symbol to the left of the product information (previously grey or red) turn green and you will be able to see this stock on the Web version of STO.
- An unsuccessful Sync will see the icons remain red.
- Sync items that are already synced will result in a notification:
- Entering changes and Syncing the stock again will overwrite previous entries, be aware of this when editing stock information at a later date.
- You can delete old stock entry sheets, as once the APP has synced to the WEB you may no longer need those sheets on the APP. You can do this on the stock sheet page by swiping left on the stock entry sheet you wish to delete and tapping the red deletion icon.
- Once you are happy with your stock entry and you have synced your data, you may wish to review it on the APP.
Ensure you are on the Review page.
- This page will display any recently accessible periods so that you can review the stock you have entered in both open and closed periods.
- Tap on the period you'd like to review.
- You'll be presented with the stocktake list by category and group.
- The list will include:
- Section / Category / Group
- Product Name
- Pack-Size
- Stock Quantity
- Stock Unit
- You can scroll through the list or use the search bar to find items you wish to review.
- You can return to the period selection page using the < icon in the top left of the page.
- Selecting a product will allow you to check what stock stores (if any) the product has been counted in.
- You can return to the stock review page using the < icon.
Swiping down on any page on the app will refresh it, to update the page information.
- At any time you can return to the location selection menu by tapping the banner at the top of the page.
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