Inward Adjustment


An inward adjustment feature allows you to record products that you want to add to the stock. This will increase the stock quantity of the respective products. They can be due to transfer, stock correction, purchase from the store, etc. Inward adjustment reasons can be customized & can be added from Setup > Adjustment Types Setup.  To record an Inward Adjustment, click on "Inwards" under "Adjustments" in the left pane.



  • Select the date and the type for the adjustment (adjustment types should already have been set up). You can also add a comment if required. Products from a particular group can be chosen by selecting the respective group from the dropdown in "Group".
  • Product can be searched directly using the search bar. For adding an adjustment, enter the quantity under "Actual Qty" for all the required products and click on "Finish Adjustments" to save. Unit can also be changed from the dropdown under "Units" if required. The information will be included in your stock count and reports.

To review the latest adjustments click on the Adjustments header on the main menu, or check your reports.

Please speak to the STO Support Team for more information.

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