Supplier Returns from Deliveries

This feature allows a user to return item/s from an accepted delivery, making it easier to match up delivery note/invoice/credit note information and track the returns. 

To use the Return from Delivery feature, we first need to select List Deliveries under Orders from the Main Menu.

To locate your delivery, pick the appropriate delivery option. If you're unsure which period the delivery was accepted in, you can use the Between Two Dates option to pick a date range.

When you have located your delivery (you can use the dropdown to fetch data on the basis of invoice upload status, or use the search bar), click on the delivery amount of the delivery.

From this page, you can check the delivery details, view the order & delivery PDF, or click on the Supplier Returns button to access the Return from Delivery option.


The Supplier Returns page will detail the below information:

  • Product Pack-Size - the name of the product & the pack size of the product
  • Cost Price - the cost price of the product on the system
  • Actual Price - the cost of the product in this particular delivery
  • Actual Qty - the quantity of the product in this delivery
  • Qty Returned - the number of items returned from this delivery - note that this will be zero (0) if you have not entered any returns yet.
  • Actual Amount - the cost total of the products in this delivery
  • Qty to Return - a field to enter the number of products you are returning from this delivery

Enter your return number in the Qty to Return field. 

When your amounts have been correctly entered and you have double-checked the Return Date, click on the Save Return button. Kindly ensure the return date falls in the same period as delivery to avoid stock variance in any of the periods.

Your return will be entered at the prices of the items that were delivered.

Email Supplier Return can be clicked when the supplier needs to be notified of the return. This step can be skipped when the return is placed only for amendment purposes.

You can click on the Supplier Returns button to navigate back to the previous screen to amend the return or click on the View Delivery PDF button to display the delivery PDF, which you may wish to save or print out. Remember that PDFs are always saved on the system and can be retrieved at a later date.

You can follow the steps above to find your returns information again, or you can check the details by clicking on the Adjustments header on the main menu, selecting which period to look at, and checking the returns list there.



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