▶️Updating product details Follow
To edit a product, select it by clicking on the name of the product from the Product List, then select Edit Product on the Product Info tab.
Many fields are editable including:
- Product - the name of the product.
- Product Category - the section/category/group the product is located in within Stocktake Online.
- Bin - a stock numbering system.
- Stock Stores - Enter the product into a Stock Store Location, if you have set them up.
- Allergens - Allergen information associated with that product. These details will appear on any batches/recipes this product is included in.
- Select Supplier - this is only editable if that product does not have any history attached to it.
- Cost and Cost Unit - the NET cost and particular cost unit for that pack size.
- Product Code - the supplier-associated item code.
- Minimum Order Qty - the minimum order quantity for that pack size which will appear on order sheets.
- Optional Order Unit - add an additional order unit which will appear on order pages.
- Tax percentage - the percentage tax on that item. This will default to a particular number depending on your Location Setup.
- Yield Percentage - the usable amount of that product. This can also be modified using batches. The yield percentage will default to 100% unless it is changed.
- Par Level - the amount of the product that needs to be held in stock to meet demand. This will be displayed on your order pages.
- Default Units.
- Stock Count - the unit used to count this item in the stocktake.
- Usage - the default unit used to sell this item in recipes.
- Order - the default unit used to order this item on the order pages.
Fields highlighted in blue are optional information.
New Suppliers and Pack-sizes can be added at any time, but if you wish to remove a supplier or a pack size then you must use the archiving system.
Pack sizes cannot be edited. To change a pack size, the correct procedure is to add the new option and archive the old one. This will also be true for suppliers if there is any attached history.
- To add a new supplier, click on the Add Supplier button.
- A new information section for that product will immediately be displayed.
- To enter a new pack size, click on the pencil icon
to the right of the Select Supplier field.
- You can add multiple pack sizes to a single supplier, purchase a product from multiple suppliers and have a mixture of both, there is no limit.
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