Stock comparison between two periods Follow
This report will allow you to compare stock movement of your products between one period and another.
- Use the drop down menus to select your start and end periods.
- Use the Search bars to locate the periods you wish to compare.
- Click the View report button.
- A table presenting your items by Category and Group with the following columns will be displayed:
- Product - the name of the product
- Category - category of the product
- Pack-Size - the pack size of the product
- Unit - the default stock count of the product, and the unit measurement of the corresponding quantities in the report
- Qty - The quantity of the stock in your first selected period
- Price - The price per unit of the stock in your first selected period
- Value - The total value of that product in stock in your first selected period
- Qty - The quantity of the stock in your second selected period
- Price - The price per unit of the stock in your second selected period
- Value - The total value of that product in stock in your second selected period
- This report may have multiple pages, which can be navigated between using the arrows and search bar.
- Displayed at the bottom of your report will be information on which users closed and approved the report and on which dates, as well as the username of the user accessing the report.
- This report is exportable to Excel, PDF, or Word.
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