Create New Order from Previous Order


Create new order from this order


Using this feature, you can create a new order based on the details of a previous order. If any of your orders contain the same items, this can be a very useful tool.


Select Orders or List Deliveries from the main menu. Select the period in which that order/delivery exists that you want to replicate.

Once you have a list of previous orders ready, click on the Order Amount of your selected order.



You will be shown the order details and can view the order PDF from here. You will also have the option Create new order from this order.



Selecting this option takes you to the order creation screen, with all the relevant details of your previously selected order already filled out. Dates will apply today, rather than the same dates of the previous order, so you can select an order from the past without having to worry about changing the dates.

Comments will be refreshed so you may need to add new ones.

You can edit the order here, or later. If you have made any changes on this page, you will need to click on Save Order.


Otherwise, you can simply navigate away from this page as the newly created order will already be awaiting approval.



From the approval screen, you can use the manual order (pencil icon) or the e-mail order (envelope icon) to switch one type of order for another. If you have created a new order from a manual order, but you need to send it by e-mail, you will need to make this change, and vice versa. Please ensure emails are set up for suppliers for the normal functioning of order email.



Once your order has been approved, it will arrive in the Pending Delivery section as usual.



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