Pending Items

Pending Items

The Pending Items page will display your pending orders and deliveries waiting for approval or acceptance.


  • At all times, in the top right of the screen under your username will be pending order and delivery information in the form:
    • Orders / Requests (no.) | Requests (no.) | Deliveries (no.) | Transfers (no.)


  • These are your pending items that need to be approved or accepted. You can click on these headers directly, or locate them through their respective menus.
  • Pending orders need to be approved by those with the rights to do so and can be edited or deleted until they have been approved.
  • Pending deliveries need to be accepted by those with the rights to do so and can be edited at any time to reflect the products’ delivered and their prices. Deliveries can be fully pending or partially delivered, but they cannot be deleted.
  • Transfers require the same attention, but requests will need to approved and transfers will need to be confirmed.
  • Fully pending means that the entirety of the delivery has yet to arrive.
  • Partially delivered means that some of the delivery has arrived, but some item or items have yet to. This also indicates that though the items have not arrived, they will in the future, rather than being unavailable or cancelled.
  • If you wish to remove a pending delivery – because it has been cancelled or was ordered in error, for example, you will need to accept the delivery with all of the items at zero (0) quantity. This will remove it from your system while maintaining correct procedural records.



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