▶️Display Product Follow
Locate your chosen product from the Product List and select it.
Product Info tab will be displayed by default and include the following information:
- Product - the name of the product.
- Product Category - the section/category/group the product is located in within Stocktake Online.
- Up to three pieces of additional information are defined on the Product Category Setup page.
- Bin Number - a stock numbering system.
- Stock Store(s) - Any Stock Stores the product is allocated to.
- Allergens - Allergen information associated with that product.
- Supplier - the name of the supplier that sells this product.
- Pack-Size - the pack size of that item.
- Archive - The Archive option for this product.
- Purchase Cost - the NET cost and particular cost unit for that pack size.
- Product Code - the supplier-associated item code.
- Min Order Qty - the minimum order quantity for that pack size which will appear on order sheets.
- Default Count - the unit used to count this item in the stocktake.
- Default Order - the default unit used to order this item on the order pages.
- Tax %- the percentage tax on that item. This will default to a particular number depending on your Location Setup.
- Yield %- the usable amount of that product. This can also be modified using batches. The yield percentage will default to 100% unless it is changed.
- Par Level - the amount of the product that needs to be held in stock to meet demand. This will be displayed on your order pages.
- Default Usage - the default unit used to sell this item in recipes.
- Click on the Edit Product button on the bottom left below the product information to edit these details.
Recipes Tab displays a list of recipes using the product, displayed in order of Pack-Size where available.
- You can select a recipe to navigate to the recipe details.
- From this tab, you can use the Bulk Package Update and Bulk Product Update options.
Sales tab displays data on the Last 50 Sales for that item by date.
- This may include multiple recipes.
Deliveries tab will display a list of the Last 50 deliveries for that product.
- Clicking on the Supplier name will take you to that supplier's details.
- Clicking on the Delivery Amount will take you to that particular delivery's information.
Transfers Tab, you will see the Last 50 Transfers in and out for your chosen product.
- Clicking on the Cost of a transfer takes you to the transfer details.
Adjustments Tab will show the last 50 Outward and Inward adjustments for that product, listed by adjustment type.
- To navigate to the adjustment details you can click on the cost of the adjustment.
Batches tab will show batch processing details as per period.
Stocks tab displays information on the last 50 entered stock counts.
- This information includes closed and open periods.
The movement tab shows consumption details of the product in various periods.
GP Summary tab presents similar information to the GP report product drill down.
- This GP Summary will be for the last closed period.
Add Menu Item tab will show all single-ingredient recipes of the product & give the option to create new such recipes.
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