Update - 5thApril'24

STO Update 5thApril'24


Dear Stocktake Online Users,


As you will undoubtedly know, Stocktake Online is a constantly evolving system. We always strive to improve our software and service, incorporating ideas from the hospitality industry and you, our users. In listening to feedback from various sources, we find improvements to be made and tweaks to implement. 

Please take a look at the following notes on the changes we have made and the new features we have added and as always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like any extra information on the changes to Stocktake Online.


Update includes:

  • Order resend feature for order email failure
  • Two-level approval at delivery acceptance
  • System highlighting if an incorrect inventory sheet is uploaded for stocktake

Order resend feature for order email failure

If the order email to the suppliers fails due to any reason, the order approver can fix the issue & click on "Resend Email" to send an email to the supplier. Please note this option will only be accessible to the user who has approved the order.  

Once the order email is resent after fixing the issue, it will appear as below:-


Two-level approval at delivery acceptance

Delivery can now be accepted with an extra level of approval depending on the user's right. A separate user right has been added for saving a delivery other than accepting a delivery. Users having access only to save a delivery can enter product quantity & price and save the delivery for final approval. They will see below options on the delivery page:-

The process will then be the same for a person to accept the delivery for the stocks to get added to the database. The person accepting the delivery can again change quantity & price if needed. Users having both access to save & accept delivery will directly see the Accept delivery option.


System highlighting if an incorrect inventory sheet is uploaded for stocktake

Users can use only exported stocktake sheet for filling in counts & the same sheet needs to be imported into the system. The system will highlight the below error if any user tries to upload any other file other than the system-exported sheet.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like any extra information on the changes to Stocktake Online.

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